Heroes of Olympus Who are you from Heroes of Olympus? From Octavian to Piper and Ella to Luke. EyeOfMagic published on July 25, 2015 Stacked 1/6 how many friends have you got? Tons A lot of people want to be my friends but I don't like people 1 or 2 2/6 Hair color? Blonde Brown Black 3/6 In 3 words your personality... Smart, Clever, Prideful Loyal, Leader, Skillful Creative, Clever, Inventive Hateful, Rule-following, Ruthless Clumbsy, Brave, Caring Beautiful, clever, Persuasive Unfeeling, Hateful, Uncaring caring, kind, lovable 4/6 Do you dream of suicide? WTF!?! No Well... Um... I... Maybe... Ok.... FINE! YES! 5/6 Are you straight Yah DUH!!!! OF COURSE I AM!!!! Maybe not Why do you care? 6/6 U Boy or Gurl Boy Girl