Shiver and Fears This quiz will explain which Shiver and Fears book you are mostly related to asia17hardwin published on July 25, 2016 Stacked 1/9 What's scarier getting attacked by a unreal beast boney people people disappearing 2/9 What color is your hair brown black blond 3/9 A kid at school is making you upset you cast a spell haunt them if they're cute... nothing serve them terrible food 4/9 Someone you know is in danger you: must go save them Nothing, because they deserve it tried and failed 5/9 I once believed in werewolves cupid charms witches imaginary friends 6/9 Do you have a sibling yes a brother adopted yes a sister a stepbrother 7/9 For my birthday I want: a pet to go out for dinner a trip to be with my friends 8/9 What is your favorite holiday valentine's day halloween I just like the cold I just like the heat 9/9 Things aren't going your way, it's because your sibling your neighbor you don't have your charm I mess it up