What season are you? (9) This quiz talks about what season you are most likely to be. Either winter,spring,summer,autum! Wolffighter published on January 12, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Where would u rather be? A.outside B.inside alone C.with a friend helping doing chores D.up a tree 2/5 What pet would u have? A.dog B.penguin C.cat D.squirrl 3/5 What would u go whopping for? A.maerials for school B..getting swim clothes C.eating food D.for your family 4/5 This is the end how do u feel? A.dang it I want more B. WHATS MY SEASON C.Nah could have been more fun D.WHYYYYYYYY 5/5 What season do u think u gonna get? Summer Spring Autum Winter