Dantdm quiz I love dantdm and you do to hi dantdm is awesome so if you know him you will score good hope you like it danfanteamtdm published on September 26, 2017 Stacked 1/6 in Minecraft who are dantdms companions Grim and trourus Grum and Dr.Trayurus greg bob and Emily Grim and Dr.Trayaurus 2/6 What is dantdms real name Dany Trayaurus Daniel Middelton 3/6 who is dantdms wife Jemma denton Dr.Trayaurus 4/6 how did dan meet grim dan got a dog from tray and it was called grim but grim died and tray brought him back as a skeleton dan made a skeleton creature showcase and wanted to keep the skeleton dog an became great friends with the dog 5/6 Who is dans mailman Jemma greg Craig Greigory 6/6 What is dantdm's first channel Pokemandanlvl56 danydupersonsuperdude Dantdm