Thinking vs Feeling Personality Quiz (1)

Discover which of the five distinct personalities you align with based on your preference for thinking or feeling in decision-making.

published on April 13, 2024

You receive a gift you don't like. Do you:

Politely thank the giver and keep it
Express your true feelings and return it
Act indifferent and hide your true emotions

When making a big decision, you usually:

When making a big decision, you usually:
Consider your emotions and gut feelings
Rely on logical reasoning and facts

In a group setting, you are more likely to:

In a group setting, you are more likely to:
Focus on efficiency and productivity
Pay attention to individuals' emotional needs

When discussing an issue, you tend to:

When discussing an issue, you tend to:
Consider how people will be affected emotionally
Analyze the problem objectively

Your ideal weekend involves:

Engaging in structured activities or hobbies
Spending quality time connecting with others

When facing a challenge, you are more inclined to:

When facing a challenge, you are more inclined to:
Discuss feelings with others for emotional support
Focus on finding practical solutions

At work, you prioritize:

At work, you prioritize:
Maintaining positive relationships with coworkers
Achieving goals efficiently and effectively

When giving feedback, you tend to be more:

When giving feedback, you tend to be more:
Direct and objective in your critique
Considerate of the other person's feelings

In times of stress, you typically:

In times of stress, you typically:
Try to solve problems by analyzing the situation
Seek emotional support and comfort from loved ones

When planning a vacation, you focus on:

Leaving room for spontaneity and relaxation
Creating an itinerary with specific activities

In a conflict, you are more likely to:

In a conflict, you are more likely to:
Listen to emotions and work towards understanding
Address the issue logically and find a resolution