Are you nice? (3)

Are you nice? (3)

I don't mean to offend anyone. I just made this to see if you should take a closer look at your actions. Please enjoy I worked hard on his

published on December 22, 2014

You learn that a kid in your history class is diagnosed with cancer. What do you do?

You learn that a kid in your history class is diagnosed with cancer. What do you do?
I don't care
Wish him or her good luck and his/her family
too And send him or her a card

Would you donate clothes that wouldn't fit to a charity?

Would you donate clothes that wouldn't fit to a charity?
No! I would throw them away!
Yes! I don't need them and some other girl or
boy is in desperate need for clothes so yes!

Your little sister is annoying you. What do you do?

Your little sister is annoying you. What do you do?
Tell her to shut up
Politely ask her to stop and tell her that you will
play with her later. Me: this happens to me all
the time!

You have extra cans of soup, beans, and ravioli in your pantry that no one wants to eat. Do you give it to the food drive?

You have extra cans of soup, beans, and ravioli in your pantry that no one wants to eat. Do you give it to the food drive?
No I will eat it anyways!
Yes! Those poor hungry people!

The annual town outdoor market has a charity booth looking for volunteers. What do you do?

The annual town outdoor market has a charity booth looking for volunteers. What do you do?
Volunteer, of course!
Walk away

You see a pregnant poor woman who is lonely and hungry. What do you do?

You see a pregnant poor woman who is lonely and hungry. What do you do?
Walk past her, carelessly. Me: how could you?!
Ask her what food she would like, then buy it
and if she doesn't have a doctor, make her an
appointment with a doctor

You get home from school and see your sister with mom. Your mom says that your sister was allowed to watch her show, but you want to watch your own show. How do you react?

You get home from school and see your sister with mom. Your mom says that your sister was allowed to watch her show, but you want to watch your own show. How do you react?
Grab the remote and turn it to your show, duh!
Let her watch TV. She was here first, wasn't
she? And mom said she could

There is a soup kitchen at church looking for volunteers and cooks. Do you help?

There is a soup kitchen at church looking for volunteers and cooks. Do you help?
No! Poor people can dig in the garbage! Me:
you're heartless
Of course I would help! Me: you're so amazing

You are at Walmart and discover the Toys For Tots holiday giveaway to the needy. Do you give them anything?

You are at Walmart and discover the Toys For Tots holiday giveaway to the needy. Do you give them anything?
No I don't want to
Yes! Those poor kids!

There is a food drive at your school. Do you participate?

There is a food drive at your school. Do you participate?
No! Why would anyone help poor people? Eww!
Of course! I love helping!

Ashley gets a bloody nose in science. What do you do?

Ashley gets a bloody nose in science. What do you do?
Take her to the bathroom to wash up then take
her to the nurse.

Pam starts crying in math. Will you help her?

Pam starts crying in math. Will you help her?
Why would I help?
Obviously! I would comfort her and tell her
everything is fine