Which version of Bree are you? I dunt wanna write a description. Gdansk abandons Hz hsg hdbxbhjjs lelejn [chose totally random pic btw breann.west.5 published on October 06, 2015 Stacked 1/11 How do you t like to type? Like this. LikE ThIs. LIKE THIS! Like this 2/11 Ok. What would you do if you saw a guy wearing a shirt with the Cancer symbol on it? RUN UP AND HUG HIM! Heh, that looks like a 69 >:3 Cancer!?! O.O Just walk by. 3/11 Pick an emoji: ):B XD :3 >:3 4/11 Are you adorable? No. I'M ADORABLOODTHIRSTY!!! No! I'M A TOTAL FUUCKING CREEP!!! Eh, I guess ·-· 5/11 Pick another emote. X3 :^) -.-" T:B 6/11 Ya like MS Paint? YESYESYESYESYES!!!!! Eh. What is that? No. 7/11 What are Thoooose? Shoes. They're my nub horns, dumbass... Deez Nutz B) NONONONO. 8/11 What are you more likely to say? FUUCK YOU Game over... NNONONO! NOT ON THE-- *facepalm* Really? -.- 9/11 69 Number S€x X3 Eeeeew! -.- KARKITTYKARKITTYKARKITTYKARKITTYKARKITTY!!!!! 10/11 You are most likely to-- Fangirl over Homestuck Be a potato Be your Senpai Answer this question. 11/11 Your.dream- SAVE THE UNIVERSE. Cure everything :3 KILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILL!!!! Be a hero