What Faction Do You Belong To?

This is a fun personality quiz to see what faction you belong to, or if you're Divergent. But get this: There's a twist. The factions aren't Candor, Amity, Abnegation, Dauntless, or Erudite, anymore! You can get different things like artist, musician, scientist, world leader, vlogger, gamer, and more! This quiz took A LOT of time so please be truthful to it! UPDATE: **I added new questions! You guys really wanted more so here we go!**

published on August 25, 201615 responses 1
What Faction Do You Belong To?
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Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?
I'm a sports person! BRING IT ON! You think you're getting that trophy? Oh, honey. Pfft. I'M GETTING THAT TROPHY!
That skirt you're wearing looks ugly. I'm a person whose got social skills - and incredible taste for clothes! You need
a connection? I got your connection.
I love video games! Like LoL, Starcraft 2, Minecraft, CS:GO... you know... typical popular in-today's-world games.
I kind of like experimenting... who doesn't love shooting a good explosive harmless (totally) rocket? Whooo!
I actually play an instrument! Music's pretty great. You can make great moo-lah (money) from being a musician. Just
look at Taylor Swift! Her heart got broken 1000 times and she wrote songs about it. And now she's rich as heck.
I'm not sure. I kind of have a lot of different talents, well maybe not talents- but different traits that are more than
one of these things.
I'll LEAD you to victory and LEAD you to complete over-powered dominance in this world! I'll be better than Donald
Trump. Pretty easy promise.
I'm a writer! I love writing different stories and I love writing about myself. If you think about it, it can really connect
you to other people in the world.

Do you think you're smart?

(Please answer truthfully :D)

Do you think you're smart?  (Please answer truthfully :D)
Yep! My grades prove it, too.
Eh, I'm so-and-so.
Nope. Not at all.
It kind of varies.

ROLE-PLAY: Your dad's job has required for you to attend a meeting with him. Apparently, his company wants YOU involved with this new video game they're making. How do you react?

ROLE-PLAY: Your dad's job has required for you to attend a meeting with him. Apparently, his company wants YOU involved with this new video game they're making. How do you react?
DUDE, if my friends see me being like a nerd, It'll be the end of my life! Well, not totally, but I'm not really KNOWN
for that kind of stuff.. ugh, typical stereotype crowd. GASP! Idea, what about a game of some kind of nobody who
suddenly turns into the most popular person EVER? That's actually a great idea. Of course- I am a great idea!
A great idea would be the new FIFA 17 game. That way I could kick goals while raking in the money with you guys-
right? I do get money.... RIGHT? Because I came up with the idea? Oh, whatever...
OMG YAS! Let's do dis. I'm all hands-down for this. You know The Walking Dead (I know it's cliche but shhh)? We
need zombies. Lots of zombies. And guns- are we making another Call of Duty game? Ah, who cares? It's still going
to be epic!
You know I've really been looking for a calm realistic game with actual graphics. Tons of people judge a game by its
graphics! They'd have to look realistic to impress the crowd. I'm up to help with that!
OH, you know what's better? A program that helps with practicing your instrument. That would be great! SmartMusic
isn't very good... it's off-key. Buttt if this game is going to be great: it needs great music!
I suggest a game that has a scientific experiment gone wrong. They're pretty popular these days, have you heard of
"Gemini Heroes Reborn"? It's this game with a... you can probably already guess.
GOOD THINKING! We could be in the middle of a deranged crazy war with bullets flying everywhere, and certain
leadership strategic plans are involved of where you carry your army to victory!
Any of these answers would be fine, or we could mix them all up together! A SPORTS game in SPACE that involves
the military with a really, cool art fashionable painted background with songs of violin that has a scientist whose
serum makes a human turn into a hybrid lizard-snake! A world leader could turn out to be a dictator and try to take
over the world while some extremely infamous criminal robs Czech and The White House, and the protagonist could
be a popular girl at school who everyone thinks is helpless, but she turns out to be a hero! Yeah, okay, that's a little
TOO much. But, admit it, it would still be epic.
Sometimes it takes quite the creative mind to be able to think of all this. See, it takes a writer to decide which
elements should be in and which should be... Aka: sensible points that are still totally fun and cool. Don't mind me.
Just the brilliant mind of a writer. :)

Are you happy with school?

Are you happy with school?
No, my grades suck right now. Darnit!
Eh, school's necessary so... it's okay.
Bah! Are you kidding me? I LOVE school!

What's your zodiac?

Aries = March 21 - April 19
Taurus = April 20 - May 20
Gemini = May 21 - June 20
Cancer = June 21 - July 22
Leo = July 23 - August 22
Virgo = August 23 - September 22
Libra = September 23 - October 22
Scorpio = October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius = November 22 - December 21
Capricorn = December 22 - January 19
Aquarius = January 20 - February 18
Pisces = February 19 - March 20

What's your zodiac?  Aries = March 21 - April 19	 Taurus = April 20 - May 20	 Gemini = May 21 - June 20	 Cancer = June 21 - July 22	 Leo = July 23 - August 22	 Virgo = August 23 - September 22	 Libra = September 23 - October 22	 Scorpio = October 23 - November 21	 Sagittarius = November 22 - December 21	 Capricorn	= December 22 - January 19	 Aquarius = January 20 - February 18	 Pisces = February 19 - March 20

What's your idea, ideal, or actual hobby?

What's your idea, ideal, or actual hobby?
Writing/Painting/Making music/Creating
Hobbies? Whose got time for that? I study, read (that's sort of a hobby.....) (you: OH SHUSH!), and/or play video
I kind of have this "group" thing where I'm the leader- hell yeah. Bossing people around? Seems like it's a hobby to
I go participate in sports games on the weekends OR weekdays. Sometimes I might even go to the gym.
I kind of have different hobbies, it's whatever my mood wants. I wanna read? I read. I wanna go swimming? I go
swimming. I wanna suicide? I suicide. I'M JOKING ABOUT THAT LAST PART BY THE WAY.

Are you interested in politics?

Are you interested in politics?
Heck yeah! Go politics!
HAHAHA... nope.
It depends on what's going on.

How do you express yourself?

How do you express yourself?
I like expressing myself through music. Dancing, playing-anything related, really.
I'm spirited! I love the roar of a crowd, the cheering of people- it's great!
I like to create things- games, stories, and art pieces.
I express myself in different ways, it pretty much depends on the situation.

How many friends do you have?

How many friends do you have?

ROLE-PLAY: So one day you're just walking to a store with your friend, when a bully comes up to you. Fear immediately consumes you, and all you do is freeze as your friend gets picked on. The bully is Ryon McPorky (lol) - a giant hulk of scary muscle who almost OWNS your school from being so boss. What do you do? If you do nothing, your friend is going to probably get hurt, if you do something there's a jerk of a possibility you'll be expelled from school AND hurt. Hmm. What to do, I wonder?

ROLE-PLAY: So one day you're just walking to a store with your friend, when a bully comes up to you. Fear immediately consumes you, and all you do is freeze as your friend gets picked on. The bully is Ryon McPorky (lol) - a giant hulk of scary muscle who almost OWNS your school from being so boss. What do you do? If you do nothing, your friend is going to probably get hurt, if you do something there's a jerk of a possibility you'll be expelled from school AND hurt. Hmm. What to do, I wonder?
The only sensible thing to do? Assert YOUR dominance over his. Obviously you HAVE to show him whose really boss
or he'll continue being all swagger. *Cracks knuckles*
Holy crap. This is really happening. Um... RUN FOR THE POLICE! YES! RUNNN! *Takes off running* (Me: But you left
your friend you dummy. -_-)
Seriously? I'm pretty sure I have a better reputation than this jerk, so 'm going to destroy him. Literally.

Fun Bonus Conversation INCLUDED:

You: Step aside.
Ryon: Or what?
You: What? I can make your life miserable. So unless you want my shoe where you crap I suggest you take your
group of chumps and leave. *Shoots death-glare*
Ryon: You think you're so great-
You: Pfft. What are you talking about? I KNOW I'm great.

**Conversation finished!**
You know, logically, this is a pretty dumb situation. Expelled from school, really?

(Me As The Creator: Bud, I create the situation, you go with it. Enough said.)

Okay, fine. Logically I'd try to reason with the guy-

(Me: Which won't logically work, logically.)

-okay fine, I'll tell him that there's PEOPLE near us and he'll probably go to juvie.

(Me: That's the worst thing you can probably say to a bully, logically.)

Dude, why are you interrupting MY answer choice?

(Me: You're the one who said this was a dumb situation. So sh and make your choice already.)
Maybe I can try and sympathize with him by trying to figure out what's wrong and help him that way. Often, that's
the key to solving problems! Or... maybe not this one..
Hey! This guy is from my music class! Maybe I can persuade him as a friend to stop. It might actually work... Or at
least I hope so.
I'd try one of these, and if that doesn't work try another. If THAT doesn't work then I might as well walk away, but I
will definitely try.

Do you like science?

Do you like science?
YEAAHHHH! WHOO! SCIENCE!!! *Launches rocket* (Um... that might break the school-) WHO CARES?
I don't LOVE science, but I do like it.
No, I don't really like science... (BUT-BUT THE ROCKETS!)
Science is an important aspect of life!