your own personally made song if you choose the answers carefully, you'l get a song made up of all your answers just for you, then you can create a tune and sing it! Littlemrsmods published on July 10, 2014 Stacked 1/6 What describes you most? passonate Free awsome quite 2/6 What meaning do you like for a song? I'm always in partys/I love partys Video games are whole new journeys Life is precious We are free 3/6 What are your interests? computer stuff having fun with friends Doing beneficial stuff/helps you or other people 4/6 What type of song do you prefer? Sadistic, true, meaningful (like 'All of my memories') Hip hop, jazzy tunes (like 'dark horse') Songs that have no reason there just for fun (like 'i'm sexy and i know it' 5/6 What type on lyrics? catchy rhyming Slow and beautifully sung Rap 6/6 Favorite line out of these? We are free, Forever, you and me! I like to be dancing in the moon light rather then sunbath in the suncause in life all that matters, is just for me to have fun I can travel to a far away landwhen really i'm at home with a controller in my hand you'l die either wayhow would you know this isn't your last day?