Who is your Harry Potter crush? This is a quiz to find out who your Harry Potter crush is Mine is Harry madisonffion published on June 27, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Who do you want G B L S D 2/5 How would your crush ask you to the Yule ball Throw paper at you and lip mine the words He will say come to the Yule ball with me or I will slap u Studder and say it under his breath Just ask 3/5 What is your fav Hp film Philosophers stone None I don't really like Hp I am just taking this quiz for the fun of it Chamber of secrets Goblet of fire Deathly hollows part 2 4/5 What is your favourite quiddich position Keeper Beater Chaser Seeker 5/5 What do you prefer in a guy? A guy with nice hair Lovely slick hair The herboligy type A sexy black head A very nice boy with a good house