are you in love with a boy are you in love take this quiz to see if it is true love or not. if not just be happy XD shannon3 published on May 07, 2014 Stacked 1/9 do you like the way he dresses no he is not the one for clothes umm YEA NOT at tall 2/9 what kind of songs does he like love punk i dont know other 3/9 does he have cute hair yes awsome hair dont take any notist of it 4/9 how do you look at him with a sharp look in your eye or just looks at him in your own world or other 5/9 does your lover have amazing eyes yes amazing not really eww amazing and eww 6/9 what flowers does he like roses dandilions others/none 7/9 does he laugh at you when you say something funny no yes maby 8/9 what colour hair does he have brown blonde other 9/9 whats his fav colour blue red other