Am I humorous ? Check how humerous u can be by just clicking ..This quiz . So what are we waiting for ...Go click it and good luck to you Creep15 published on March 17, 2018 Stacked 1/9 Do u like pranking or getting pranked ? Who doesn't? I like pranking but not getting pranked ...But both are kinda fun sometimes I guess Nope ....I would rather take a long nap in my house rather than taking such a pain in pranking or getting pranked..It's disgusting I would rather watch them It's no fun trust me Guess I am that prankster and I love pranking ohhhhh yeahhhhhh but getting pranked is nothing less just love it 2/9 Do you like comedy movies ? Not that much ...It's okay if there isn't anything else to watch Nope I would rather watch something else in Netflix Eww nooo hell no Omg yess like all the time Hell yeah I can watch them till the end of my life ...Umm does that make me stupid ?? 3/9 Do u like humorous statements? Yeah it's kinda good to hear but not all the time Yess I love them it just gives a spicy texture to my mood lol No not that much it's weird and sometimes I don't understand them well I don't like it if you have to be funny just show it lol Hell yeah it sounds awesome and for making those statements you need guts lol 4/9 Horror moves ? Comedy show plzz I am a scaredy cat lol Nope but sometimes yeah Yeahhhh Nope sorry 5/9 Do you enjoy jokes in sad times as a tonic ? Yasssss best tonic Not really but if that makes me laugh so yeah Are you mad ....No what the hell I would rather cry like a baby like any other person would do Hell yasssss ✌that's what I like doing sad times ...It makes me happy to feel something is still good on this earth 6/9 Do u like to see peoples embarrassing moments ? Hell yeah it's funny omg lol I myself had some ?✌ Oh yeah damn yes? Nope wtf? Yeah sometimes 7/9 If someone joked about you will you get angry? Nooo ways cause that me who jokes around lol Yess who doesn't I guess u are insane if you don't get angry I wound fight with that person trust me Yeah I will bit not with my friends Noo I enjoy hearing jokes of me and like to add some more 8/9 Do you like lame jokes? Nope not my cup of tea ? Hell yeah it's funny Umm I guess nope I. Not sure it depends Well make some noice cause I am that person who shares those lame jokes? 9/9 Memes or horror stories? Memes come on Horror stories Both Memes for life