be my baba boi pls i is 8 yrs old and im prety and popler. i want a baba boi, i like baba boi bababoii published on March 07, 2023 Stacked 1/5 what you do if i kis u kis bak slap me 2/5 do you wan bab gril yes ofc bab gril not rlly srry 3/5 wold u meet my mommy and daddy no? this is between us baba gril ofc! i should know your family 4/5 what is u personlity cute kinda strong hawt strong muscle nerdy lovabl your baba boi ;) 5/5 wold u be embarrsd of me wel ye bc me frinds mak fun of me no ofc no! i not be embarsed of you baba