Thinking vs Feeling Personality Quiz (3) Discover if you make decisions based on logic or emotions. Take this quiz to find out! remus2009 published on August 06, 2024 Stacked 1/5 When faced with a problem, you tend to... Analyze the situation logically Trust your instincts Seek advice from others Consider how it makes you feel 2/5 In a conflict, you prefer to... Find a fair and rational solution Follow your heart no matter what Compromise for the sake of harmony Address emotional needs of all involved 3/5 When making a big decision, you rely on... Facts and data analysis Consulting with close friends or family Gut feeling and emotional response Intuition and inner knowing 4/5 Your ideal way to spend time with friends is... Exploring new ideas and possibilities Sharing personal stories and supporting each other Engaging in deep intellectual discussions Creating fun and memorable experiences together 5/5 When giving feedback, you tend to focus on... Emphasizing team collaboration and communication Considering emotional impact and well-being Improving efficiency and effectiveness Inspiring creativity and innovation