I bet I can guess your character (Higurashi and Corpse party) You gotta think of a character from either Corpse party or Higurashi and I bet with 6 questions I can guess them (I hope) Littlemrsmods published on October 31, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Have they killed anyone, purpose or accident? They havn't They did on purpose They did on accident 2/7 From Higurashi or Corpse party Higurashi Corpse party 3/7 Girl or boy? Boy Girl 4/7 Age? 7-11 12-17 5/7 Hmmm...Short or long hair? Short (girl) long (girl) Short (boy) 6/7 State? Insane sometimes Insane and evil all the time Perfecly sane 7/7 hair colour? brown Blonde Black/dark Diffrent colour