Personality Quiz (13) What is your TRUE personality? find out here with this quiz that will help you! Bloodclaw555 published on October 02, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Do you talk to yourself? Yes. O.O Never do I ever. :L Maybe.. :P 2/7 What is your fave color? Blue! Purple! Yellow! Red! Black! 3/7 Fave animal? Tiger Bear Dog Wolf Cat Cheetah Llama ^^ Deer Lion Hyena 4/7 This is the end of the quiz. YAY! It was kinda short... (I know... I know.) 5/7 You see a lone puppy on the side of the road, do you help it? Yes! The poor thing! No... Maybe... I think im allergic. 6/7 What tv shows do you like? Anime Reality The tv is to hard to turn on.. I wanna stab the tv... Sports. 7/7 You see cute guy/girl, what do you do? Hey baby wanna go somewhere? Um... O.O He/She so cute, what do I do!? Walk up to them with a smile. Go punch them in their face because it's prettier than mine.