Which Of Us Are You Most Like? Take this quiz to find out which alter in our system you most resemble. LuckyCharmSystem published on November 04, 2021 Stacked 1/8 Do you have frequent nightmares? Yes No 2/8 What is your favorite color (out of these)? Yellow Turquoise Green Blue Orange Purple Black 3/8 What’s your favorite food (out of these)? Spaghetti Peppermints Ice Cream Pizza Ice (lol) Pasta Salad Gummy Bears 4/8 Which is your favorite My Little Pony Rarity Pinkie Pie Sunset Shimmer Twilight Sparkle Fluttershy Applejack Rainbow Dash 5/8 Do you stay up late? Yes No 6/8 Do you like Pokémon? Yes No What’s Pokémon? 7/8 Which of these words describes you best? Strong Goofy Honest Energetic 8/8 What’s your favorite Amphibia character? Anne Sasha Marcy