what could be your nickname? Answer the questions and see what your new nickname could be. If you dont like your results, tell me in the comments. rainbowcrystalkookookitty published on June 07, 2015 Stacked 1/7 What's your favorite song? None of the below Happy or party in the usa I dont have a favorite Anaconda or all bout that bass 2/7 How was your day? Very weird Okay i guess Horrible Excellent and fun 3/7 Is this quiz fun? Well... Not that much Yes, its super narwhal rainbow turd! This is a great quiz! 4/7 What do you like doing for fun? Playing games Drawing Stalking people >:) Do anything really 5/7 What is your favorite color? (Don't kill me) Pink or sky blue Black or red Yellow or pale pink I like every color 6/7 Is love important to you? Not that much I really dont know Yes, loving my friends and family Yes, me and my boyfriend 7/7 Pick one word to describe you. Shy Funny Random Sneaky Kind Courteous NYAN bad