What Elemental League do you Belong In? Will you be in Fire? Ice? Or Earth? Take the quiz to find out with leauge! Fire_Bee00 published on March 24, 2020 Stacked 1/7 You try out for the leagues, but don't get the one that you want! Your reaction? I'M PROUD EITHER WAY!! Noooooo! Move aside! I can work this out! 2/7 Oh no!! You made a mistake in your art! Improvise!!! That's my advice! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! DANG IT! Eh. 3/7 Song? "Ironic" by Alanis Morrisette "Stronger (what doesn't kill you)" by Kelly Clarkson "Love Myself" by Hailee Steinfeld 4/7 Step up, step up! A contest is being held! Is there a theme? BETTER NOT Unless I win! I might go for ABSTRACT or... Oooh! Neon! 5/7 Favorite quote? "With great power comes great responsibility." I don't need a quote!! "Happiness can be found in even the most darkest of times. But if only one remembers to turn on the light." 6/7 Someone has told you that your dreams are crazy and out of place! What do you do? Have it your way... IDC! Well,.according to my calculations, nansjsnskwnnsjsjwjwnwwjje I will use you someday... Very, very, soon... 7/7 You have a very old but still working possesion. Your mother wants to give it away. What do you do? It's fine! I don't wanna use it anyway! If it works, I'll have it still! NO! Do NOT take it!