Are you Gay? (2) Test to see if your gay, or something. It might not be true, but it should. froggo_qu33n published on May 03, 2023 Stacked 1/7 Which do you prefer? You like PEN15 only You like vjj only You like both You like anything you can get 2/7 Do you like art Only draw men ( and your a women) Only draws girl (your a man) Only draws girls (your a girl) Only draws men (your a guy) Draws both 3/7 Favorite Color Hobo-ish colorsSage Green, Beige, light brown Red and Blue RAINBOW Pastel colors 4/7 Which do you find attractive MLM WLW WLM W L anything M love anything W L M or W M L M or W 5/7 Are you fruity Yes No 6/7 Which do you prefer B00bs Man b00bs Anything You like men and women b00bs 7/7 Are you mentally ill? Kinda Deffinitely Nope