Who are you? (19) Imagine getting run over by a herd of unicorns and hitting your head and getting amnesia? well this quiz would be helpful in that situation so thank me for creating it. KittyISofia published on November 18, 2014 Stacked 1/9 What is your nickname? Beyonce Horse Flappy Bird Voldemorts Daughter Trolll Bee The Moon 2/9 Which do you fancy the most? ZEFRON The Irish Australians Matt Smith Myself Michael Buble Funny people 3/9 What colour eyes have you got? Brown Blue Hazel/green 4/9 PICK A COLOUR! RED GREEN PINK Turquoise WHITE Purple 5/9 Your favourite tv show? Keeping Up With The Kardashians Honey Boo Boo Pointless Never Mind The Buzzcocks Made In Chelsea 6/9 Which Disney Princess are you? Ariel the mermaid Snow White Rapunzel Cinderella Alice In Wonderland Brave Sleeping Beauty Elsa 7/9 Who are you in your group of friends? The joker The Nerd The inappropriate one Eats the most Most Adorable The who is always obsessed with something 8/9 Which 'Friends' character are you most like? I don't watch it :P Rachel Monica Joey Chandler Pheobe Ross 9/9 PICK A SONG! F**k you by Lily Allen Better When You're Naked- Id Maria Friends theme Low/ Apple Bottom Jeans Flo Rida 5 Colours in her hair -Mcfly Walkin on sunshine humuhumunukunukuapua Do wanna build a snowman?