Whats your dominant personality trait? What do people really think about you? What is your dominant personality trait? Find out and take this quiz! Girrllno published on August 01, 2018 Stacked 1/7 Your friends would describe you as.... Thoughtful Adventurous Convincing Smart 2/7 On a school night you will most likely be.... Studying Thinking about others Playing an after school sport Finding a new project to work on 3/7 Your biggest flaw is.... being stubborn Letting people take advantage of you Not taking time to yourself to relax I can be a little sassy at times 4/7 Your favorite thing is.... Finding something to binge watch on netflix Spending time with family Playing sports Finally getting whatever it is you have wanted after you have been waiting for a super long time 5/7 You hate it when people.... Don't try Don't take things seriously when they need to be Are selfish Don't get involved 6/7 Something you believe in.... Hard work Being helpful to those in need Always finding another solution Introducing yourself to new people 7/7 You are most happy when.... You got your answer to your burning question You are told how smart you are People told you they could rely on you Your trying something new