Which Skulduggery Pleasant Character are you Do you want to find out what awesome Skulduggery Pleasant character you are? Tilly4225 published on June 19, 2014 Stacked 1/14 Who is your favourite character? Valkyrie Can Skulduggery Pleasant Tanith Low Fletcher Renn China Sorrows 2/14 What is your preferred method of fighting? magic just shoot people with your fists being sneaky teleporting around to confuse them 3/14 What is your favourite genre of music? Pop Classical Rap Country/Blues 4/14 Who is you favourite villain? Dusk Mevolent Scapegrace Meloncholia St. Clair Stephanie Edgley's Reflection 5/14 If you were watching a movie with your parents, you would? Happily watch it and hope for nothing awkward Fall asleep Walk away half way and call your friend play on your phone/ipod 6/14 What is your favourite genre of movies? Comedy Drama Animation/Cartoon Horror 7/14 If you were stuck in a box, you would...? Think of a way out Kick and punch at the walls Yell and scream till someone hears you Simple, just use magic/teleport 8/14 How would you describe yourself? Smart and funny Stubborn but down to earth Constantly annoyed but can have a good time Quiet but friendly/sociable around friends 9/14 Weapon of choice? stick revolver sword knowledge/symbols just run away 10/14 What is your favourite colour? Black Red Brown Every Colour 11/14 What is your favourite book series from the following? The Hunger Games Divergent The Maze Runner I don't read 12/14 If you were told to do something, how would you feel? Happy to do it Annoyed you were the one to do it Meh, more pocket money for me I'll do it to be helpfull 13/14 What is your preferred version of magic? Elemental Necromancy Adept who needs magic? 14/14 What is the most useful thing? Sceptre of the Ancients Lord Vile's armour the Desolation Engine the Book of names Reflection