Who from the skype call would you date? This quiz is designed to let you know who you're destined to get you hot! And who you would date ;) beatlemaniackane published on October 26, 2014 Stacked 1/5 What is your favorite color? Red Blue Green Orange Yellow Pink 2/5 What's your favourite TV show? Friends The Big Bang Theory Star Trek The Walking Dead Breaking Bad How I Met Your Mother 3/5 What do you look for in a person? Funniness Physical Attractiveness Truthfulness Someone who plays hard to get Kindness All of the above 4/5 Which of the following do you ship the most? Trickysmirk and Chazzarz Anee and Owen Sydney and Michael Ketchup, Chip and Von 5/5 Where do you most like to eat? McDonalds A Fancy restaurant Nando's KFC Burger King Subway