What kind of dessert are you? (2) Cupcakes! Cakes! Brownies! Are you sweet or sour? Sassy or kind? See what sweet dessert you are! amandamiller08 published on March 22, 2015 Stacked 1/10 What is your favorite TV show? Downton Abbey Vikings Good luck charlie News ESPN Andy Griffin Show 2/10 What's your favorite color? White Brown/black orange Red Pink Green 3/10 What is your favorite sport to watch? soccer football curling Hockey skiing 4/10 How do your friends describe you? Sassy Mean shy funny always happy old soul 5/10 What type of movies do you like? Comedy Horror drama Romance Any one that is PG-13 and below funny musical 6/10 What is your favorite animal? cat dog gorilla dolphin bird duck 7/10 What type of music do you like? Rap Classical pop Anything from the 80s and below Cheery Instrumental 8/10 How would you describe your friends? Bookworms I don't have any fun sporty lovely quiet 9/10 How many books have you read this year? to many to count 5 or 6 like 20 about 10 or 15 1 or 2 none 10/10 What do you like to do in your free time? Read Tell ghost stories to scare friends Watch a funny movie Play outside sleep Do some extra chores