What Wings of Fire dragon are you? (1) This test shows what Wings of Fire dragon you are. Just answer some questions and we’ll tell you! Fytfytf published on January 21, 2022 Stacked 1/6 which Sister do you support in the Pyrrhian war? Blister de smart Queen Burn Burn Blaze our queen! We get de land! Blaze for queen! What war? We secretly support Blister so we can take over the rainforest! Wait, war? De tree wars you talk about? Nononono War we take over any war but idk sandwings I know nothing 2/6 Which tribe do you want to be? Mudwing Sandwing Seawing Skywing RainWing Icewing Nightwing Silkwing Leafwing Hivewing 3/6 How smart are you? Smartest person in the world! im predy dum Ok smart Meh idc Hmm, idk If the best means smart then yes im super smart Im smart in battles I know every move I’m dumb in flying Super smart in swimming Smart in insects 4/6 What is your hobby? I like playing with slime or mud or slimy and dirty stuff Build a sandcastle! Swimmy swimmy play with water Flying Nap time! Being the best person in the world Read me scrolls Knit or sew or something Walking in nature Bzzzzzzzz wid dee beezies 5/6 Favourite color: Blue White Red Rainbow! Yellow. Yellow AND black. Green! Brown Black Idk and Idc as long as its pretty 6/6 What tribe do you hate? Icewings Nightwings Hivewings The ones who eat meat deserve to be punished! I dunno Ones with wings I envy but one day I will have wings too Me grumpy I hate everyone grrrrr Wtv I dont care I just care about my sibs I really dont know the bad guys? I mean they’re not a tribe but yeah