Which LEGO YouTuber Are You? (BETTER Version!) AmazinglyAmberYT published on September 13, 2024 Stacked 1/5 What do you enjoy most about LEGO? The satisfaction of completing detailed builds The freedom to create unique designs Building and expanding my LEGO city 2/5 How do you approach a new LEGO project? Meticulously plan every step Start building and see where creativity takes me Dive into large-scale projects with enthusiasm 3/5 What is your LEGO building style? Precise and methodical Imaginative and spontaneous Ambitious and large-scale 4/5 When you get a new LEGO set, you... Sort the pieces and follow the manual Mix it into your collection and see what you can create Incorporate it into your existing projects 5/5 What's your favorite LEGO theme? LEGO Creator Expert MOC (My Own Creation) LEGO City