What color are you depending on your personality? (1) Take this 7 question quiz to find out what color best fits your personality! Unicorn_girl_G published on April 22, 2019 Stacked 1/7 Which is your favorite animal? Dog Cat Bird Turtle 2/7 What is your favorite part of school? Recess Math Lunch Gym Band Science 3/7 What is your zodiac sign? Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces 4/7 What do you do at an epic dance party? Bring the food Dance on the dance floor with all my friends Invite everyone I know Suggest a bunch of songs to the DJ I go with a few of my close friends or my family I don’t go to parties 5/7 Where is your ideal vacation spot? The beach Anywhere I can get WiFi Road trip Somewhere with history Somewhere with lots of mountains Camping 6/7 You see your friend trip and fall. What do you do? Leave her there Ask her if she is ok and if she is laugh with her joking-ly Help her up Ask her if she is ok and if she is not scream for help Get someone to help her 7/7 What is your favorite season? Fall Spring Winter Summer