The Sorting Rat Academy of Aphrodite Houses: answer with your soul and find your house! Annaprima published on May 13, 2019 Stacked 1/11 As a Goddess, you rule... With justice With a firm hand Hidden away from mortals 2/11 Choose a witch mark: A crescent moon A spiral A tribal design 3/11 Which calls to you? An open field with dandelions Tall ancient columns by the ocean A windswept desert 4/11 Choose an incantation: By Earth and Soil By the spirits above and within By wind and wave 5/11 Choose a door A plain wooden door A gnarled old door A metal trellis 6/11 Choose a talisman A selenite crystal An animal skull A sage bundle A golden circlet A ruby An old coin 7/11 Pick a Motto: To thine own self be true She be but little, but she is fierce What will be will be 8/11 Choose a cloak: Red with fur Blue with lace Pink with jewels Purple with chains Green with embroidery Yellow with stitchwork 9/11 You want to be known as... A lover A wise one A nomad 10/11 Choose a musical instrument: A flute A harp A drum 11/11 In the dark, you fear most... The unknown Your own thoughts The past