Loki love Does look love you? Well ur just going to find out!.take.this qwizz and see..also tell me what you get in the comments plz???(first quizz???) Rosali9094576 published on February 21, 2020 Stacked 1/5 Do you think that loki likes you in the least?Loki:no...me:shut the fk up loki!!!! Yessssssssssssszzzss PLZ betch Idk? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha FK NO!!! Maybe???? Yea sure?Loki:IDIOT MORTAL!!!!!! I LIKE.NONE!!!!me:??? 2/5 Fave color:(idc if it is not on here frickin deal with it) BLACK(oh hey me) ALL THINGS SHINNY(YN... That doesn't...) IDC FRICKIN SHINY THINGS!!!! 3/5 If Loki did like you, how would you feel?Loki:say if I do this (puts hand on thigh) OMG!!(falls over) (Punches him) Loki: (moves it up much higher than expected) yn: I'm fked Loki:(smirks)yn:(is totally clueless) 4/5 IF you could would you go do adult stuff with him? Loki(I know who I would do it with (smirks and looks at me) No Maybe Idk It depends on my mood 5/5 How would you feel if he kisses me Loki: What are you planning little one?me:just do it......Loki(smirks then crashes his lips on mine.gets inbetween my legs)me:(blushes HARD) BITCH HE IS MINE!!!!!!! (Hurtting inside) (Crys) (Still clueless)