Are you a Gamer? You'll find out if you are a gamer or not a gamer and if you are a gamer game on. Renegade87111 published on June 02, 2015 Stacked 1/10 How many games have you beaten. 0 No games beaten. 1-3 A few games beaten 3-6 6-something I cant remember how many game i won 2/10 Do you get in trouble for not doing chore soften when you have a game. No. I do my chores and go back to gaming Yes. Only one more level one more level. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. 3/10 Do you get awesome grades in school.This effects you a lot. 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 100-extra credit 4/10 Do you go outside often. No. The sun burns and then its to dark at night. Yes. I love outside I'll be outside all day and night. Sometimes. I really don't know what I want to do. 5/10 Do you boss people around a lot. No. I do what I have to do. Yes. They are my slaves I control them. Sometimes. If they are being a little mean they deserve some work. 6/10 Do you do things with your family. Yes I cherish every moment with them No there to weird for me games are better. 7/10 Do you fight with people outside or inside. outside inside 50-50 8/10 Do you play games over and over often. Yes. Yes. Yes. I cant remember how the ending is so i beat it over and over again. No. I beat them once a move on. I only play one game by my self. 9/10 Do you know what to do outside. Yes. throw a rock make a game or go exploring. No. you can have a digital outside on your computer or any type of counsel. 10/10 Do you have any friends. 1-4 4-8 8-12 12-a lot of friends Forever alone. :(