what is quirk? (updated) fun personality quiz,Whats your power\quirk i updated it so you would have more quirks! nezuko_mha published on March 13, 2021 Stacked 1/8 what is your fav color purple blue pink black or white brown none red onrage yellow green 2/8 you hear someone in trouble what do you do? run to help them yell im coming and go away sit dwn ans sleep mind you own beez waz none 3/8 what letter does you name start with? a b c d e f g h i j k l n m o p q r x t u v w y z 4/8 what class is your fav? 1A 1B other 5/8 what is your fav charter deku jirou bakugo tanik idia shoto momo aizawa other mina endeaver kirishma 6/8 your late for schol what do you do? smash your alrm clock andrun to school with messy hair come in sick run to school with your breakfast with messy hair moon walk in the class room 2 hours late wait for the 1 peroid to be over then go in the 2 none 7/8 what letter does your you last start with? a b c d e f g h i j k l n m o p q r x t u v w y z 8/8 what kind of quirk do your like none zero gravty lazzness super speed decay earphone jack all for one ice fire clones wings explosins acoid