Which WWE wrestler are you 2? If you didn't get the WWE star you were looking for maybe this the quiz for you. Owaismasood published on September 19, 2015 Stacked 1/10 Your friends would describe you as... Cool Funny Crazy 2/10 You're favourite TV Show Friends American Horror Story Jersey Shore 3/10 Favourite TV channel Comedy Central Sky Sports E! 4/10 What wrestling move would you perform Hair pull toss Head butt Throw punches 5/10 You're upset how do you express it Make jokes Scream Flip a table 6/10 Favourite website Twitter WWE.com Instagram 7/10 Favourite place to be School Home Town 8/10 Where would you go on holiday England Dubia Florida 9/10 Favourite room Bedroom Living room Attic or basement 10/10 Favourite wrestling move DDT Any submission move Cross body