Which color is your soul? Ever wonder what color was meant for you? Well look no further , this test uses a accurate scale to guess your color BestQuizezIntown published on May 30, 2017 Stacked 1/8 To start off, What's your favorite type of shoe? Jordans Yeezy Boots No shoes Sketchers 2/8 Which era of time do you like most? Ancient Rome Slavery WWII Time of dinosaurs 3/8 Favorite music genre Rap/Trap Pop Country Rock 4/8 Favorite vacation spot Hawaii Italy Antarctica Egypt 5/8 Pick a method of transportation Jet Walking Car Train 6/8 What's your favorite planet Mars Earth Jupiter Venus 7/8 Pick a superpower Flight Invisibility Telaportation Super speed 8/8 Did you enjoy this test? Yes, I loved it! Well sorta Nope it sucked