Are You A proper Friend? Have you ever wondered if you are a proper friend and also if your not how to become a good and proper friend. xxbuzziexx published on December 11, 2014 Stacked 1/9 How well do you know your friends? Not at all. I know them inside out. 2/9 How often do you and your friend do stupid stuff? Quite a bit. Not a lot. 3/9 Do you follow your friends around everywhere? Yes like a sheep A bit but I do do what I want aswell 4/9 Would you stick up for your friend if he/she was being bullied? 100% 25% 5/9 How long do you THINK you will be friends for? 1-6 years 6+ years 6/9 Are you a good listener? Most if the time. Depends what they are on about. 7/9 How long have you been friends for? 1-5 years 5+ years 8/9 Do you know your friends birthday? Yes, I can tell you every friends birthday. No, not really, I know about 1 or 2. 9/9 How often do you see your friend? Everyday Once in a while