Boundaries Personality Quiz Find out your personality when it comes to setting boundaries in relationships. delya90 published on March 23, 2024 Stacked 1/5 When someone crosses a boundary, how do you react? I get angry and defensive. I avoid confrontation and let it go. I calmly express my feelings. 2/5 How do you feel about setting boundaries in a relationship? I believe it is essential for healthy relationships. I find it difficult and uncomfortable. I don't see the need for boundaries. 3/5 In a conflict, how do you communicate your boundaries? I avoid communication and withdraw. I lash out and become defensive. I assertively communicate my needs and boundaries. 4/5 How do you feel when others set boundaries with you? I see it as a challenge and push back. I respect their boundaries and adjust my behavior. I feel rejected and misunderstood. 5/5 How do you handle requests that cross your boundaries? I politely decline and explain my boundaries. I make excuses or get defensive. I reluctantly agree to avoid conflict.