Would my best friend love you! (BOYS ONLY) Will my friend like you? I DON'T KNOW TAKE THE QUIZ! Just take it! Please take it! :3 aliskinz published on December 24, 2014 Stacked 1/7 How would you describe yourself? Caring,loving to all animals,amazing, good sport and kind hearted Show off,bragger,a stealer and a liar Nice,friendly,understanding and honest Funny,nice,fun and creative Loves cats,great friend,nice personality,awesome and caring 2/7 Do you like cats? Yes, I love them! HELL NO! Depends on the cat i guess... not really.. but i guess 3/7 What color hair do you have? Brown Black Blonde other.. 4/7 You're age range? 1-5 6-10 11 12 13 and up 5/7 Do you like minecraft? Yes,One of my favorite games. Not really... Haven't tried it yet... No! 6/7 Do you like youtube? Yes, I love it! What is youtube I hate youtube I watch youtube videos for information or if i have to... Yes 7/7 Do you like roller coasters No too scary Yes I love them Rollercoasters are awesome and the best thing ever! Depends on the ride..