The Extraversion Quiz

The Extraversion Quiz

Discover your level of extraversion with this fun quiz! Take this quiz to find out!

published on January 09, 2024

How do you feel attending parties or social events?

How do you feel attending parties or social events?
I love them! The more, the merrier.
I enjoy them occasionally, but need some downtime afterwards.
I find them draining and prefer to socialize in smaller groups.
Parties? No, thanks. I'd rather stay home.

How do you typically approach meeting new people?

How do you typically approach meeting new people?
Friendly and open, but slightly reserved until I get to know them better.
Avoid meeting new people if possible, prefer sticking to familiar faces.
Eagerly initiate conversation and make new friends easily.
Shy and hesitant, usually wait for others to approach me.

How do you generally recharge your energy?

How do you generally recharge your energy?
A mix of socializing and alone time, balancing both is important.
By having quiet alone time, away from others and external stimuli.
By spending time with friends and engaging in exciting activities.
By enjoying peaceful solitude and familiar surroundings.

How do you prefer to work on projects or tasks?

How do you prefer to work on projects or tasks?
Working independently without much external interaction.
A healthy mix of teamwork and individual work.
Collaborating and brainstorming ideas with others.
I like to have full control and work in my own space.

How do you deal with unexpected social invitations?

How do you deal with unexpected social invitations?
Evaluate if it aligns with my schedule and energy level before deciding.
Politely decline and enjoy my planned activities.
Feel anxious and overwhelmed, prefer sticking to my routine.
Accept enthusiastically and embrace new opportunities.

How do you handle moments of silence in conversations?

How do you handle moments of silence in conversations?
Feel awkward and restless, frantically search for something to say.
Silence is golden, I enjoy it and don't feel the urge to fill it.
Feel comfortable with moments of silence, but may initiate a new topic.
Fill the silence with conversation and jokes to keep things lively.

How do you typically approach making phone calls?

How do you typically approach making phone calls?
Only make calls when necessary, prefer other means of communication.
Make necessary calls but don't particularly enjoy extended conversations.
Love talking on the phone, often the one initiating calls.
Avoid making calls if possible, prefer text-based communication.

When do you feel most energized and motivated?

When do you feel most energized and motivated?
When spending time alone, focusing on personal interests or projects.
At home, in a calm and familiar environment with minimal social interaction.
Inclusive of social interaction, but also when enjoying personal hobbies.
When surrounded by people, engaging in social activities.

How do large crowds or crowded places make you feel?

How do large crowds or crowded places make you feel?
Excited and energized, love the buzz of busy environments.
Can enjoy them for a while, but start to feel overwhelmed with time.
Avoid crowded places as much as possible, prefer calm and less populated areas.
Anxious and uncomfortable, prefer quieter and more intimate settings.

How do you typically behave in group discussions or meetings?

How do you typically behave in group discussions or meetings?
Not a big fan of group discussions, prefer working on my own tasks.
Prefer listening and observing, only speak when necessary.
Active and vocal participant, eager to contribute ideas.
Engaged and willing to share thoughts, but also a good listener.