Neverworld Wake which character are you? Take this quiz to find out which Neverworld Wake character you would be! griffynsto published on March 10, 2019 Stacked 1/5 What is your ideal Saturday afternoon? Coding on my computer Curling up with a good book Shopping Laying in the road barely dodging cars Making imaginary soundtracks 2/5 What best describes you in a friend group? The weird one The kind one The hot head The wanna be cool guy The wise one 3/5 If you had to kill your friend how would you do it? I wouldn't Let him fall from a tower Throw him over a cliff Hit him with a car Sell him drugs 4/5 How would you describe your relationship with your parents? Good I love hanging out with my parents! They're fine I guess I seek my mothers approval its why I act out My mother is crazy My parents love me, but we aren't close 5/5 What is your style? Chic and expensive Casual with a little country flare stained t-shirt and skinny jeans Zip up hoodie and baggy jeans Nerdy and clean