Neverworld Wake which character are you?

Neverworld Wake which character are you?

Take this quiz to find out which Neverworld Wake character you would be!

published on March 10, 2019

What is your ideal Saturday afternoon?

Coding on my computer
Curling up with a good book
Laying in the road barely dodging cars
Making imaginary soundtracks

What best describes you in a friend group?

The weird one
The kind one
The hot head
The wanna be cool guy
The wise one

If you had to kill your friend how would you do it?

I wouldn't
Let him fall from a tower
Throw him over a cliff
Hit him with a car
Sell him drugs

How would you describe your relationship with your parents?

Good I love hanging out with my parents!
They're fine I guess
I seek my mothers approval its why I act out
My mother is crazy
My parents love me, but we aren't close

What is your style?

Chic and expensive
Casual with a little country flare
stained t-shirt and skinny jeans
Zip up hoodie and baggy jeans
Nerdy and clean