are you wierd? are ye as wierd as me ur uncle philip? well take the quiz and find out. captainqwerty published on March 28, 2016 Stacked 1/6 do yeh like brunies?yes or no? ??? yes no MEXICAN DONKEY!!! 2/6 wich color stole the purple pants? it was obviously willy the walking waffle turkey that i fed to me robot shark... yellow ??? RUSSAI DID IT 3/6 how bein da wife? she died yay i don't have wife i'm child ??? i pushed her off cliff while eating hotdog and mustard ^_^ 4/6 turtles ermahgerd YAAAAS TURTLES ARE BOSS, I LIKE RYMIN ??? yes what does this even mean? 5/6 what do u think of black holes don't exist they do exist they are black i like turtles 6/6 why did the chicken cross the rode to get to the other side for a perfectly legitimate reason how should i know cuz