Which friend are you? (3) take this quiz based on your personality and find out who you are in the gang! ggcksj11 published on October 24, 2016 Stacked 1/12 how boy crazy are you boy crazy for freshman love boys don't really socialize with then other gender not boy crazy the boys are crazy for you boy crazy but can't commit 2/12 What do you look for in a guy?? funny / fuq boys or freshman less emo than you nice and good person or no one they swim prob a good guy and funny freshmen 3/12 Someone asks you to hang and you tell them your busy. what are you doing? Swim swim swim cheering your heart out dancing your heart out you probably just didn't respond probably nothing you just don't wanna hang you already have plans 4/12 why are you sad no boys like you scared of people leaving you didn't get a good grade people are being mean your prob not you always are 5/12 what religion are you ATHEIST christian but not really kinda christain christain but doesn't go to church goes to church praise jesus hallelujah 6/12 How many friends do you have?? dance friends and acquainted with everyone maryland friends and sticks w friend group i'll stick with my friend group swim friends and friend group friends with everyone friends with few but everyone knows you 7/12 Where do you see yourself in ten years unmarried & no kids or prob has a sugar daddy v successful with a husband and dogs and cats and cute children new jersey livin married with ginger children has swim babies and lives at MOR swim center 8/12 A guy tells you he likes you what do you do?? tell them you like them even if you don't ask why become really confused and scream what say me too and then maybe date say "i gotta go" and skr skr laugh and say thank you 9/12 How smart are you?? SMART ASF tries hard & is smart smart and studious just emo not very smart and doesn't like to try but kinda does tries hard occasionally 10/12 Are u a hoe or no no strings attached is the way to go kinda yeah yeah but no one knows the ppl you hu with no no but maybe w your bae not really 11/12 What's your favorite time of the year love the whole year none summmmaaaa christmas whenever swim season is over summer spring 12/12 What is the reason your mad? someone lied to you didn't swim well no one is talking to you your always mad someone boxed you on snapchat someone took ur man