What level horse rider are you? (1) Newbie? Experienced? Expert!? Get a general idea of your riding level by taking this quiz! Klodis published on November 29, 2016 Stacked 1/8 What's the fastest gait you can do? Walk, but timidly Walk, confidently Trot, but timidly Trot, confidently Canter, but timidly Canter, comfortably Gallop, timidly Gallop, confidently 2/8 The horse you're riding starts to rear and buck, then bolts, what do you do ? Scream and fall off near immediately Be panicked and can only stay on for a few seconds Be calm but can only stay on a few seconds Be calm and can calm the horse down a little,but still falls off after a brief fight Be calm and can stay on while getting the horse to calm down. Be calm and can calm the horse down and keep them calm Be calm and can nearly immediately get the horse to calm down and stay calm Be calm and can immediately get the horses attention back on you 3/8 You friend wants to race you in the field... No way, slow and steady A walking race? Right? I'm good, thanks... Sure, but I may not stay on... Sure.... I've got this Heck yesss!! RACE ME!! I've already started... Sure, we can loose the saddles too! 4/8 Do you know how to get a horse on the bit? What? Who? Never heard of it? I've heard of it but don't know what it is or how to do it Ive been told how to, but never have. I've been able to do it a few times I can do it 50% of the time I can manage it 75% of the time I can manage it 99% of the time 5/8 How long have you been riding? Less then a year 1 year 2-3 years 4-5 years 6-7 years 8-9 years 10 years 10+ years 6/8 How many total saddle hours do you think you've had? 30 or less hours 30-50 hours 50-70 hours 70-100 hours 100-150 hours 150-200 hours 200-300 hours 300+ hours 7/8 Have you ridden without a saddle, and how fast Did you go? I've never ridden without a saddle I've ridden without a saddle at a walk on a lead I've ridden without a saddle walking off lead and trotting on lead I've ridden off lead walking and trotting without a saddle I've walked and trotted off lead without a saddle and cantered with help/ on a line I've walked, trotted and cantered confidently off lead without a saddle I've walked, trotted, cantered, and hand galloped off lead without a saddle I've done all gaits confidently off lead without a saddle 8/8 You take a lesson ata new barn, which horse do you choose? The aged pony who wouldn't hurt a blade of grass and is bomb proof. Listens flawlessly. The pony who is nearly bomb proof and listens well The horse who only has spooked a handful of times and listens well to commands The horse who has some quirks and doesn't always listen, but is normally okay The horse who is known to be spooky, but can slay with a confident rider The horse who has broken some bones (people bones) and can have a temperamental tantrum at any time. But once you win them over, they turn on a dime. The green pony who has only had a handful of under saddle hours but is so far sweet The green horse with little to no riding experience.