what do you look like as an anime wolf this is my first quiz so i hope you like it. this will just ask you some questions and the awnser won't be weird like others Oxphus published on October 05, 2014 Stacked 1/9 what are your friends like strong and hunters nice i guess everyone is my friend brave loyal nice and peaceful respectful and wise i have no friends 2/9 what is your spirit animal wolf you idiot owl snake bunny butterfly deer fox 3/9 are you a lover or a fighter fighter fighter man i dont know lover bro both who cares lover 4/9 why did you take this quiz( won't affect so don't worry ) bored found it i like wolfs friend told me i like to take quizzes dont know 5/9 what do you think of humans as a wolf kill them then eat it hahaha there ok who cares probably nice they hate us so i hate them there are good warriors ... can pass be an awnser 6/9 I'm going to start asking simple questions. number 1:what is your hair colour black white blue,green,purple gray silver,gold,bronze red.pink,yellow none 7/9 would you help a loved one no umm it depends yes ... i dont know i don't have any loved ones 8/9 many people have said this but,what would you do to your enemy don't have one umm i dont know kill him fight him anything i want well hate him duh mother i guess 9/9 what would your fur look like silky with black and white lines everywhere blue...just blue black with blood splats light colours like white,sky blue, and neon green tan and red don't know maybe a cool look though white fluffy fur with black ion paws