Yandere rp (episode:0) This part of the rp youll find out which type of yandere guy/gal you'll have (I don't own any of these pics) nightmares published on August 28, 2015 Stacked 1/10 What's your favorite color *holds up 8 daggers* try me bro Red Brown Blue Orange Grey Purple 2/10 Whats your personality like? Mean sometimes and hot headed Hyper and playful Observe and quiet Talkitive and bubbly 2 faced Obedient sometimes 3/10 Hobby? Drawing Breaking stuff Dancing Reading Watching tv Eating 4/10 What would you do if someone was stalking you? Punch whoever it is Call the cops Try to ignore it 5/10 Favorite breakfast food (I know it has nothing to do with the quiz just answer it ok) No Waffles Meat Candy Pancakes Bacon 6/10 What do you hate most about some people? Some are WAY to nice Some people are smartasses people to Smart for their own good 7/10 If some one took something from you like your favorite game or book or something what would you do? Hunt the person down and beat them then take back your stuff Ask them for it back Steal something of theirs 8/10 What do u like about people? Some people can actually put up with the bullshit people give them Some people uses their time to help me....even though I don't want it People know when to leave me alone 9/10 If u had to pick a yandere you would want to be with you what would thier personality be? Mean but still cares Does what ever I say no matter how stupid it is Sneaky he/she would literally disappear into a crowed with me next to her (Me: THAT MAKES NO SENSE) she/he needs to be a ninja (Oh OK...) 10/10 Thx for taking the quiz did you enjoy it? Yep No Hell no Nope Yes YELLOW (Me: XDD )