What Candy are you? (9) Everybody loves candy, can you imagine what candy you would be and how many people would love you? Liluchu published on January 22, 2016 Stacked 1/5 What sports do you like to watch? I like to watch people dance! Baseball Gymnastics Basketball Swimming Soccer Footbal Eh I don't like activities... 2/5 What do you think of school? I get to learn and helps me in the future Lets just get it over with! Time for fun afterwards! The learning part is eh, but I love all my friends and the clubs after school! Can I go back to bed? I like the activities, like art class! I don't like doing so much work but I like socializing with my fellow students and teacher! OMG ITS THE WORST I like the feeling knowing I'm neat. 3/5 What kind of foods do you like to eat? Pasta!! Sandwiches!! CHICKEN PIZZA ALL THE WAY Soup Hamburgers Fish ALL OF THE ABOVE 4/5 Pick a number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5/5 Whats your favorite color? Dark colors Pastels Pink! Teal Blue Orange Black Green