What superpower suits you best?

What superpower suits you best?

This quiz tells you what superpower suits you best. This quiz has 12 questions you have to answer. Also it has 4 possible results so best of luck and enjoy the quiz!

published on October 17, 2021

Pop Quiz! What's your strategy?

Pop Quiz! What's your strategy?
Sneak away to the bathroom
Think! Think! Think!
Power through fast as I can
Stare out the window

What would be your ideal gym class?

What would be your ideal gym class?
Capture the Flag
HorseBack Riding

Your favorite movie/show has...

Your favorite movie/show has...
Awesome animals
Mystery and Suspence
Interesting characters
Thrilling Adventures

Scavenger Hunt!! What's your strategy?

Get your pet to sniff for clues
Think about the big picture
Run as fast as I can to find the clues
Eavesdrop on the other teams

You're in trouble for late library books. What do you do?

You're in trouble for late library books. What do you do?
Avoid the library from now on
Blame it on your pet
Turn them in then run away
Convince the librarian to waive your fine

School's tough: What do you do to relax?

School's tough: What do you do to relax?
Catching some animal/insect by the pond
Take a Nap
Chatting with a friend
Going for a run

Your favorite type of transportation is...

Horseback Riding

One thing you would never do is...

Burp loudly in front of everybody
Yell at a pet
Skip the Super Bowl or other sport championships
Post embarrassing pictures online

RP Time!: Halloweens tomorrow!! What do you dress as?

RP Time!: Halloweens tomorrow!! What do you dress as?
Lion Tamer
Zombie Football-Star

You have a argument with your siblings. What are you arguing about? (If you don't have siblings pretend you had a argument with a friend)

You have a argument with your siblings. What are you arguing about? (If you don't have siblings pretend you had a argument with a friend)
Who broke the I-Phone
Who tattled
Who can run the fastest
Who your pet loves the most

The coolest job to do is...

The coolest job to do is...
being a sports champion
being a magician
being a marine biologist or other animal related jobs
being a doctor

In this years yearbook you would get the award for...

In this years yearbook you would get the award for...
Being the best prankster
Most athletic
Finding someone's lost pet