What kind of gamer are you? (1) This is my very first quiz so please enjoy and tell me if you want me to make more jkool1013 published on June 08, 2016 Stacked 1/5 pick one M-For mature games Disney bra nba 2k CALL OF DUTY any ill rek u either way 2/5 which charecter.would u like STEVE Custom charecter Soldier trollface animals bra 3/5 Wat do u think of my quiz. idc about the quiz just get on with it its treyarch worthy i rlly like it good job ur a stinky head 4/5 racing games and etc do likey NO DUMB QUESTION idk cut of a racer idc about.the quiz destroy everything get cut off 5/5 Wat kind of games do u play Family friendly games durr call of duty bra Gta mdub 2 duh cs:go