Are you a Cuphead fan? Now,cuphead is one of my favorite games and this test will try to see if your a fan like me! The_videogame_fanXD published on January 27, 2020 Stacked 1/5 Best fan song?? The final straw by cg5 Did house Idk.... 2/5 Who's cuphead? The red cup! The purple dice dude...??? The blue mug! Idk????? 3/5 What did cuphead do to get into this mess? He went to the casino with mugman and they were gambling their souls to the devil but they lost to him so they have to pay the price! Idk???????what mess????? 4/5 Lastly,cause this is my first test,who is mugman? The cute innocent blue mug! Purple rice dude????red cup?????idk!???? 5/5 Alright ,this is last. Alright,bye,New friend! Ok,bye?????