Are you in love? (9) Take this quiz to find out if your in love, or just crushing or something else. Efeast published on January 22, 2018 Stacked 1/16 Do you talk to them regularly? YES. (Emphasis on YES) No, no way. I'm wayy too shy around them Yes. And it's a joy every time. No, rarely. But when I do, I cherish it. Yeah. We've been talking a lot recently. 2/16 Is it somebody you have a connection with? ( Siblings best friend,Bestfriends partner, etc...) No Yes 3/16 Do you have feelings for anyone else? ....Yes Nope :) I might 4/16 Who is this person to you? Best friend They are a nice person A person I think is real neat. Somebody perfect :))) Someone cool, I guess. 5/16 Do you even like them romantically? XD Yes, obviously I don't know, that's why I'm taking the quiz Yes I'm having second thoughts No 6/16 Are they older than you? Just a little bit. A year, or so. Does it matter?(me: um yes, wtf are you tryna sayy) A little bit. Ten or twenty years(me: UMM WHAT LMAO GO AND READJUST YOURSELF) No. Same age Yes No 7/16 How are they like, personality wise? Just perfect. Funny, Generous, Clever, etc.. They are my favourite. The greatest personality. Good personality, but those eyes. damnnnnnn I guess good Honestly? Kind of jerky. Yes. Just Yes. Everything about them... Average 8/16 How recently have you been having feelings for them Super recently A LOOOOONG time A fairly fair amount Pretty recently 9/16 Is this person attractive? Average, but I love their personality. Super attractive !! ( in my eyes, anyway) Yes, everyone likes them Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. Yes Kind if an average person Attractive Huh? never really sat down and thought about it. 10/16 Were you recently in a relationship? No Yes 11/16 Are they seeing someone? Yes No Yes :( 12/16 How does this person make you feel inside ? <3 Butterflies every time I see them. Cool, I guess I just think they are soooo attractive and they have a great personality I.. don't know... I think they're just kind and cool 13/16 Do you wanna grow old with them? Yeahhhh <3 Ummm that's a little far Maybe we could be old people together but not romantic wise. No I don't know 14/16 Do they like the same things as you? (Music, Hobbies, etc.) Yes, two birds of a feather. No, but what can you say. Opposites attract ! I literally have no idea. I think so Not at ALL. Probably 15/16 Are they players? :/ No. (Thank god) Yes.. :( 16/16 When you read a romance book, or watch a romantic movie, do you think of them? No Yes. I have been for a long time. Yes Occasionally, not really though. I just watch the movie.