Are you willing? Are you a willing person who would give up anything or sacrifice yourself to save the ones you love?. Let's find out. tails_the_evil_doll published on April 04, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Are you willing... To become part some other animal Turned to stone 2/10 Are you willing... To be eaten by a titan if it meant saving your loved ones Leave your family to die 3/10 Are you willing... To eat expired ice cream for 5 days Step in a bucket of cockroaches 4/10 Are you willing... To give up your religion for $1,000,000 Leave your religion for a new one 5/10 Are you willing... To post pics of your least favorite OTP ships for 24 hours Stay off wifi for 2 whole weeks 6/10 Are you willing... To jump in front of a bullet for your friend and get shot Stand there and be forced to watched them die 7/10 Are you willing... To leave reality behind and live your favorite fandom Vote for Trump to be president 8/10 Are you willing... To save all animals from extinction Let them all die out 9/10 Are you willing... To bury your worst enemy alive Kill your favorite anime character 10/10 re you willing... To jump off a 20 ft high cliff Have yourself get covered up with spiders